WAUKEGAN – LAKE COUNTY JOURNAL - Twice As Nice Mother & Child is changing its name in August to more accurately reflect the Lake County nonprofit’s mission, the organization’s founder said.
The new name will be Keeping Families Covered. A new heart-shaped logo with more visual impact focused on family will reflect the change as well.
When Ann Marie Mathis started Twice As Nice Mother & Child in the basement of her home 10 years ago, her idea was to find new homes for gently used children’s clothing and infant equipment such as strollers and pack 'n plays. “The name really spoke to what I founded the organization on,” Mathis said. “But we do so much more than that now. I felt we needed a name that more accurately reflects the scope of our programs. We provide diapers, formula, baby gear, maternity wear, children’s clothing and shoes, books and now period supplies.”
The new more all-encompassing name and logo officially take effect Aug. 3, Mathis said. The organization will maintain its Waukegan offices and warehouse space at 3250-B N. Oak Grove Ave., Waukegan. Its website URL will be www.keepingfamiliescovered.org.
The organization also will maintain its increasingly attended mobile diaper pantry services, which have shifted to a drive-thru model because of COVID-19 safety precautions. A fourth site was added at The Chapel in Grayslake and distribution began there July 29.
Mobile diaper pantry locations and times include the Warren-Newport Public Library in Gurnee, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. first Wednesdays of the month; The Chapel in Grayslake, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. last Wednesdays of the month; Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep School in Waukegan, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. third Wednesdays of the month; and the Highwood Recreation Center, 4 to 5:30 p.m. every Friday in August, the second and fourth Fridays in September, and the second Fridays in October, November and December. To date this year, the nonprofit has distributed more than 200,000 diapers through its mobile diaper pantry program and more than 600,000 diapers through all programs, including on-site pickup from agency partners. With a goal of giving away 1 million diapers in 2020, the nonprofit is more than halfway there. The organization also has distributed more than 81,000 period supplies since beginning that program in May.
More than 1,800 children and 1,200 families are being served by the nonprofit every month, with requests for help coming in every day.
Need has dramatically increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mathis said. “As we continue to navigate this global health crisis, the level of need in our community is greater than it has ever been,” she said. “More families are turning to us for help than ever before and we remain committed to meeting their needs. We offer hope in the midst of unimaginable crisis. From diapers, wipes and infant formula to maternity wear, children’s clothing and shoes, baby care equipment and now period supplies, we are keeping families covered.”
As a National Diaper Bank Network member, Mathis’ organization is able to buy diapers in bulk at a deep discount. Monetary donations are encouraged; the nonprofit also gratefully accepts diaper donations.
For more information, visit the website at www.twiceasnicemc.org or after Aug. 3, www.keepingfamiliescovered.org. You also can call 224-637-1644.

The group receives daily requests for assistance and meets the needs slope game of over 1,800 children and 1,200 families each month.